Thursday, February 28, 2008

Blessing Buckets

Throughout the month of February, our children’s mission groups led the way in challenging the rest of our church family to get involved with a very important ministry project. It was an effort to tangibly partner with God’s Pit Crew (, a Danville-based Christian ministry that makes a rapid response to people in crisis situations. (For example, most recently, God’s Pit Crew arrived in West Tennessee just hours after a series of violent tornadoes tore through the region displacing hundreds of people. They quickly provided basic necessities to individuals & families that had lost virtually everything.) Our project in February was to fill “blessing buckets” that would be distributed by God’s Pit Crew when they arrive on the scene at disaster sites like storm-ravaged Jackson, Tennessee. These large plastic buckets (comparable to big 5-gallon paint cans) were stuffed with various personal care items & necessities like soap, toothpaste, diapers, baby formula, etc. Personal notes to the recipients also were included.

Our kids volunteered to buy goods & fill buckets. Then they challenged the rest of the church family to do the same. So far, 105 buckets have been turned in. This past Wednesday night, Randy Johnson & other representatives from God’s Pit Crew were on our church campus to pick up the buckets, do a presentation for our children, and personally thank our church family for partnering with them in this effort.

After Randy Johnson shared photos of the devastation in Tennessee & told of the families being helped through our generosity, church member Gary Caldwell—who spearheaded this project for us—led in a brief dedication service for the buckets that were going out. He told our kids that this whole endeavor was truly a picture of the Body of Christ working together. Our children’s mission groups were the “hands” that gathered the goods for the buckets and now God’s Pit Crew would be the “feet” that would deliver those buckets to people in need.

Following Gary’s remarks, the children all stood to pray over the buckets. As each child stood silently over the specific bucket they had filled, they prayed for the individual that eventually would receive their bucket. It was a very moving ceremony, one that I hope makes a lasting impression on our children. Afterward, all of the kids physically carried the heavy buckets out to the God’s Pit Crew truck and loaded them on board. Then, for fun, they one-by-one got to climb behind the steering wheel of the God’s Pit Crew race car. (But, I promise you, none of our little Jeff Gordons actually drove the car!)

A special “hats off” to Randy Johnson & God’s Pit Crew for their selfless ministry of caring for others! I’m indeed glad that our church is a ministry partner with them. And a big "thank you" to our Mount Hermon Baptist Church "Bucket Brigade" for giving so generously and for being a blessing themselves.

Pastor Danny